Monday, November 13, 2017

Holi-Dazed and Confused

It's that time of year where you never know what holiday you'll see represented if you take a walk through your neighborhood. The majority of mine is very Thanksgiving- mums, decorative gourds, your various autumn splendor, but we've got a few errant jack-o-lanterns lurking around, and I did spy a sneaky reindeer on a front porch this morning. Such is to be expected during the holidaze.

I had Halloween packed up before noon on November first, and am currently rocking some decorative pumpkins and a pot of mostly-dead mums. It's festive.

But I realized I never posted our Halloween finery- and it was pretty awesome if I do say so myself. So let's rewind a couple of weeks to check out the spooky mantle and terrifying trick-or-treaters....

and the horrifying haunted house!!
Not so scary during the day, but at night...

I spent the day of Halloween freehanding scary silhouettes and chasing my kids down to trace them, then taping them into the windows for an awesomely creepy effect. I was pretty pleased with the overall effect, and will hopefully make it even more spooktacular next year.
My twins are always losing their heads...

Now the ghosts are gone, and I'm preparing for my favorite holiday- Thanksgiving. What could possibly be better than Thanksgiving? It has everything- food, family, decorations, multiple pies... But while I'm talking turkey, several of my nearest and dearest (you know who you are) are already dreaming of a white Christmas while rocking around the Christmas tree with their jingle bells.

Early decorators, bless their hearts. I've always considered them the scourge of humanity, and basically everything that's wrong with the world. But this year, I'm feeling slightly less hostile. Because y'all the world is feeling a little scary right now. Ever since we put an Oompa Loompa with a god complex in the highest office in the land, things feel more unstable than they have in a long time. And while this is not the place for a political rant about all the things I'd trust more than the current "leadership," (a monkey in a clever hat, Old Yeller- with the hydrophobia, egg salad that's been in my trunk for three days in August, steak from the Dollar Tree...), I think many of us will agree that the world doesn't feel very kind right now.

And nothing shows more love, humanity, and kindness than Christmas. So when I see more early decorators than ever in my facebook feed, I get it. We need a little Christmas- maybe not this very minute, but whatever works for you. Instead of rolling my eyes and huffing a sigh of disgust, I'm shrugging my shoulders and saying, "whatever. Shine on, you crazy diamond." And while my many, MANY boxes of decorations will stay packed until Black Friday, I will fully admit to a little Christmas crafting...
Maybe you can have Christmas without a glittery
village for your powder room, but I can't.

Whatever you're currently celebrating- whether you're still surrounded by Halloween candy, planning your Thanksgiving feast, or wrapping presents like a jolly little elf, I hope your Holidaze are happy!!

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