Monday, April 24, 2017

You Should Make this for Dinner Tonight

"What are you making for dinner?" This is a regularly asked question in my daily 4:00 phone call with my sister. We both love to cook, love to eat, and love to find new recipes. Everybody needs new recipes, right? So I'll occasionally share one that I think is particularly yummy- like this one...

It's been rainy and cool the past couple of days. And I don't know about you, but the only thing I want to eat when it's rainy and cool is grilled cheese and tomato soup. And sure, you can crack open a can of Campbell's, and throw some Kraft singles on some Wonder bread (I'm not knocking it- that's delicious!), or you could get a little fancier. We picked fancier tonight. 

Tomato soup, man, that stuff is the nectar of the Gods. And while I have eaten many varieties in many places, this recipe remains my perennial favorite. It's not my recipe, so I don't have to type it out. I can just give you this handy dandy link, and you can thank Mrs. Ree Drummond for that treasure.

Now let's get to the real deal- the grilled cheese. The jalapeno popper grilled cheese, to be exact. I don't know where this recipe comes from because I got it from my sister, and she got it from...somewhere. So, sorry if I'm I'm infringing on someone's copyright. Just take it as a compliment, because your sandwich is delicious.

There are several ways to go about this. My sister uses roasted jalapenos in hers. I don't because I like to keep my tastebuds unseared, but you do you. If you like it super spicy, substitute jalapenos for poblanos. But please, for the love of God, use gloves when you are peeling and de-seeding them. And if you don't, DO NOT touch your eyes, nose, or other sensitive bits. And if you do that, well, you're dumb. 

Without further ado, Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese!!
(Serves 4-ish)

2-3 poblano peppers (or 6-8 jalapenos if you're brave)
jalapeno cream cheese
apricot jam
sharp cheddar cheese
good sandwich bread

1. Roast the peppers on a foil-covered cookie sheet under your oven broiler. Turn them a quarter turn about every five minutes until the skin is blackened on all sides. Put them in a large ziplock bag and let them cool. Then you'll be able to slide the skins off easily. Cut off the tops, scrape out the seeds, and slice them into strips. 

2. Time to assemble!! Spread one slice of the bread with the apricot jam (I know it sounds weird, but trust me). The other slice gets a good layer of jalapeno cream cheese. Top with sliced peppers and a slice of cheddar cheese. Put them together, and grill that sucker in a buttered skillet to golden brown, melty perfection. 

It will be spicy and sweet and gooey and wonderful. Eat until you are so full you want to die a little bit. Then go call your sister and ask her what she made for dinner. 

Photo credit- Ryan Bray- tattoo artist extraordinaire

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