Monday, March 20, 2017

Cabinet Chaos

This is what my kitchen looked like Saturday morning.
 Dark, dated, shiny brass- but clean

This is what my kitchen looks like today.


Yes, friends, I have embarked upon a fool's errand known as painting the cabinets. I've wanted to do it since the day we moved in, but the scope of the project held me back. However, last week, I just snapped. I could not take those dark, dated, scratched-up cabinets one second longer. I also couldn't stomach the thought of sanding nine million cabinets, so I decided to cheat.

I've used Amy Howard one-step chalk paint before, and I've been pleased with the results, so I decided to give the cabinets a go and see what happened. So far, it's been a learning process. I started off using a brush, but it gave me too uneven a finish. So I switched to a small roller meant for flat finish paint, and that was decidedly better.

I also started off trying to paint without taking the cabinets down. I've done it before with a fair amount of success, so I figured I could do it again. I was wrong. Refreshing already white cabinets is one thing. Going from a dark cherry stain to a bright white is a whole different animal. My husband said, "don't you think it would be easier to do this if you take the doors off?" I stubbornly insisted that it wouldn't, but painting with the doors attached was hard and slow.

This morning I grudgingly took the doors off (took me all of 10 minutes), and tried it his way. And dangit, he was right. So much easier, and about a third of the time. Yes, I'm admitting it here, in writing, MY HUSBAND WAS RIGHT AND I WAS WRONG. There, I said it, and I'll never say it again.

I'm hoping to be back later in the week with a full cabinet update. I mean, a girl can dream, right? In the meantime, I'll be toiling away in chaos.

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