Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Table That Nearly Destroyed My Marriage

There are lots of things I love about my house, but our cave-like living room was not one of them. It only has a couple of windows, and the overhead light provided by the ceiling fan is harsh and ugly. We looked into adding recessed lighting, but since it's a two-story house, it's difficult, and there prohibitively expensive. So for a year and a half, I made do with lamps. I had five of them in there, which you'd think would be enough- but you would be wrong. Because even with all that illumination, the area around the sofa was still a pit of darkness.

That's really the sofa's fault. We have a giant, ridiculously comfortable sectional that we named Couchzilla. We love it, but it's massive- like literally fills two entire walls- so there's no room for end tables. And my husband is very particular about lights that reflect into the tv. VERY PARTICULAR. It seriously makes him crazy, so every night around 8:00, I'd have to turn off two of my lamps, and spend the evening in a dim cave. I was usually asleep on the couch by 8:30 because it was too dark to stay awake.

I was tired of missing the second half of every tv show, so something had to be done. We had been looking for a long, skinny console table, but the problem was that it needed to be REALLY long and REALLY skinny. And anything that looked like it could even begin to work was very high-end and had four-digit price tags. Nuh uh, not happening.

On a Saturday TJ Maxx jaunt with my mom, I found a table that I thought might work. It wasn't quite long enough, and I thought it might be a touch too wide, but the price was right, so I took it home. After wedging it into place, and using my mantel lamps to stage it, I was unsure about it. It made the couch stick out awfully far from the wall. And that made the other end of the couch extend past the doorway, but I decided to live with it for a day or two.
Not bad...

Ummm, well....


That night I had light, glorious light!!! It was so cozy and illuminated and I swore I was never going back. They'd have to pry that table from my cold, dead hands. Unfortunately, my husband was willing to do just that. He hated the table. He didn't mind the light, but he thought the table was the wrong size and Couchzilla looked stupid sticking so far out from the wall. I kind of agreed, but I was willing to overlook it. But he was not, and that set off an EPIC fight.There was yelling and threats of bodily harm (obviously, I was the one making those). I stomped out in a rage to go to the grocery store, and the child that tagged along asked "are you and Daddy going to get a divorce?" (We don't fight much, so he was a little traumatized...) I replied, "Of course not, silly!" But I muttered under my breath, "unless he messes with my table..."

I returned in a less-crazy state and was actually willing to listen as he showed me plans he had found online to DIY an inexpensive table. We could custom build something for less than I'd paid for the table that really didn't work in the space. I conceded that he was probably right on this one, and sent him off to Lowe's to procure supplies.

A couple of hours later, we had a table. It wasn't perfect- and there are definitely some wonky parts. I don't think the stair-banister rails we used as legs are perfectly even, and there are some gaps between the legs and sides, but It's all hidden by the couch!! A little paint, a little stain, and we were in business. Divorce averted!!
7 feet long, 6 inches wide

I found two really great lamps at TJ Maxx when I returned the table, so we were good to go. Now I have all the light I need even when I have to turn off those lamps that so rudely impair my husband's optimal tv viewing. A family in crisis has been saved by DIY!!

Before we go, I have an exciting announcement!! Since our house isn't quite crazy enough and doesn't have quite enough dudes in it, we decided it was time for a new baby boy!

 Meet Max Power...